How Video Conferencing Is Helpful To Connect Healthcare Facilities In Metros & Remote Areas

Giving A Ray Of Hope To The People Through Video Conference!

Do you believe in technology that can help disease-ridden people living in isolated areas to get connect with the doctors or expert physicians who reside far distance places in the metros? Yes I do believe. Technologies are making it possible. One of such technology which is helping the patients’ world over is video conferencing.


There are certain things we can’t endure which need immediate attention as they crop up, and if left unattended can ruin a life. Yes the deadly epidemic diseases which have claimed thousands of lives and eradicated entire clans of people due to negligence and ignorance in the past. While advancement in the field of medicine has miraculously helped us to overpower many dangerous diseases, the inability to reach the interior regions has posed a great threat to the spread of awareness among the masses. The technology has come up with various tools to reach every corner of the world to make people aware.

The need of the hour is to concentrate on the measures which can help in reaching each and every corner of the world with the help of PeopleLink video conferencing solutions which is the fastest way to reach the disease-ridden people. The best way to fight the epidemic diseases is to take precautions and necessary action to keep them away from the environment. For this we need to educate people about the sanitary conditions and the environmental factors which are responsible for causing plague like conditions. We have to focus our attention to the interior regions which always suffer due to lack of communication.

There is always a need of volunteers who can work as healthcare activists and spread awareness among the masses about various factors which lead to the spread of these diseases. But unfortunately not many people want to travel long distances to educate people, so the solution is to take the help of technology. The video conferencing software has given us a way out to help the people in need and working for a cause. There is no need for the health workers to go through harsh conditions to reach the inaccessible zones if they can connect to the people in the interiors virtually.

How can we reach these remote places with the help of technology when the means of communication are missing there? The best way is to connect these places to a central location from where things can be managed by the local administration under the supervision of a computer literate person. Once the connection is established it is easier to reach the people through video conferencing and educate them about the prevention and cure of the epidemic diseases. This step can actually help in eradicating the deadly diseases as its true that prevention is better than cure.

When the plague spreads it becomes very difficult to control the situation because these diseases spread like wild fire, destroying each and every life which comes its way. It is always better to monitor the situation at the initial stage by taking the preventive measures which can help in taking care of the suffering people. Giving them the knowledge about the symptoms can help in diagnosing the problem in a better way. The doctors can directly connect to the people through video conference and guide them to take the preventive measures. In case of emergency if the doctor is unable to reach the patient, he can start the treatment through the virtual connection.

The video conferencing software has given a ray of hope to the people who suffer due to the negligence of authorities and are unable to reach the doctors for treatment. We have to use it to the maximum to create a world free of all diseases.


PeopleLink Video Conferencing Advantages

Get Maximum Advantages With PeopleLink Video Conference

Collaborative Communication in India is deep rooting in all sectors of businesses, like in government sector, educational Sector, big enterprises, research centers and in corporate sectors. These sector businesses are availing this technology to share data, files and documents with its branch offices, vendors, clients and customers.

Growth towards the future is not possible, unless we use the latest and updated technologies. The western business world has been using this technology form a decade back, and most of the businesses in India have just started this technology couple of years back. They have been using the services from the western market form providers like Polycom, LifeSize, Webex, Cisco Nefsis and others. There were no competitor in the Indian market to compete with their products and solutions. The charge huge amount for their solutions, and there were no choice for Indian business owners to choose other service providers.

Now, as India is growing as a global market some of the companies like PeopleLink Corporate solutions comes with a great video conferencing software & solutions, which can compete with these western providers and offers HD quality video conferencing solutions and Telepresence services at affordable cost for Indian businesses. There product is build on Indian conditions and the perfect solutions for businesses who are looking for video conference setups.

Few are the advantages a business can get if they use PeopleLink video conferencing setup.

  1. Consumes 1/3rd bandwidth, also works on broadband and wireless data cards.
  2. Provides training and guest lecturers to multiple locations at same time.
  3. Record sessions for latest use.
  4. Manage branch offices effectively.
  5. Do sales reviews and business meetings even while traveling.
  6. Conduct interviews and campus placements.
  7. Easy on budget, SAVE up to 70% cost.

Before selecting a video conferencing service provider it is always better to collect your requirements, queries and questions and have a FREE DEMO. Conduct a free demo, ask and clarify all your queries, questions and doubts, because you’re investing amount and you must get the maximum return on investment. Read their client testimonials and have a glance on what type of clients are using their services.

Here is a link where you can have a Free Demo, it won’t cost a single rupee for you:

Advantages of Peoplelink video conferencing




Video conferencing is the best medium for collaborative communications these days. Do you know why big business houses, large corporate and enterprises, big organizations, education and government sectors and medium to small business owners are using this technology? The best answer is that they are saving time and money and making fast decisions for productive results. Is this technology helpful for people who work from home? Indeed it is helpful, and few are the top 5 points described below.

I - Health Issues: Video Conference is very useful tool that helps business owners, MDs, CEOs, Top Management people, who due to age and health issues unable to travel to go to office regularly. They can connect to the management and other departments and share emails and documents. They can take care of their health and can engage in business work to guide, share and get latest information on progress.

II - Bandwidth Issues: Technology has made the conferencing so easy that you need not to setup the broadband LAN connection at your home; you can make use of data cards to get internet connection. The new video conferencing software technology helps to communicate with different locations even at low bandwidth like (256Kbps). You just need a data card to get connected. You can virtually meet anyone in the world over the internet and not just installed locations.

III - Save Travel Time: Due to the heavy traffic issues during business hours, it is very hard to reach the locations in the right time. Some time due to traffic jams it takes hours to reach the locations. Using video conference can help you to get connect your preferred locations at a time form home, and you can guide or order them the business plans. It will help in fast productive results. The different location members can record the sessions and can make use them for future reference too.

IV - Connect To Different Locations: Through this technology, different business locations can get connected under one umbrella of interactive business sessions. Here the participating department of these locations can share, use, download and record the files and make use them for business productions. They can clarify their doubts, can get trained by professional, see demos and can do many more business activities.

V - Document Sharing: This mode HD video conferencing software is inbuilt with some superb technologies, which help you to download and share, video files, audio files in different formats, PDF files, PPT files and many more. You can share these files with the participants and make them use in the business for fast results. You can even share the files from your gmail and other email accounts too. Share your documents in the very secured and fast ways by utilizing this modern technology connecting through your laptops, desktops, Monitor screens, mobile phones, tablets and more.

Now you may get a doubt that “what is the best way to find a good video conferencing software service provider and how to choose the best”. Indeed it will arise if you in need of the solutions. You can search them on search engines like Google and Yahoo. Before choosing one you better go with a free demo and write the points you want in your conference. You better ask each and every doubt about the services and cost. Make a list of top 5 service provider and then analyze the best among them that suits your budget and requirement. It is you who can choose the best provider for your business communications.


Systemsintegrationasia (Amit Chowdry's Interview)

Systemsintegrationasia - Interview with Amit Chowdry, Director of PeopleLink Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd.

Source file: Click this link Check page 56 & 57

The global video-conferencing domain is evidently dominated by the Western based multinational giants. However, breaking into the hot market space – rather confidently and ambitiously – is an Indian fi rm. Named very symbolically, PeopleLink, from Hyderabad, the capital of South Indian State Andhra Pradesh, boasting a competing, better dynamic videoconferencing solution, is aggressively forging ahead. “We link people much better way than others,” says Amit Chowdry, director of PeopleLink Coporate Solutions Pvt Ltd. SIA interacted with Amit to know more. Excerpts:

SIA: Tell us about the genesis, mission and vision of PeopleLink.

Amit: PeopleLink, as a company, is driven by constant innovations, unique business models and high quality products; all combine to make it standout in the market. Its mission is to create unique solutions by integrating best of the breed technology solutions while its vision is to become No.1 global Indian brand in the audio/video conferencing and multimedia solutions. While many brands in AV/conferencing have come from the West and have established strong foothold in India, we have resolved to spread worldwide from India.

SIA: What made you go for a start-up like this? And what went into making this initiative?

Amit:I have been running an entrepreneurial streak right from my childhood- I made my first successful business venture when I started a Comics Library while I was just in 5th Standard. Along with a few friends, I started collecting old comics; made a library; and started renting them out. It was a very successful venture which we were forced to close by our parents as it grew too big and hampered our studies. On the other hand, later, Gauri (my wife) started this organization with focus on RPO solutions. When I joined the cause, it turned a good and strong team to start the Video conferencing initiative which clearly has been an exponentially growing market.

SIA: An initiative like this takes high-level technical competence and wherewithal how do you explain?

Amit:We both (I and my wife) are B Tech to begin with. While Gauri acquired all that required for a technology entrepreneur through her sizeable stint with Satyam Computers, I got substantial exposure to IT sales through my career with HCL, Teknotron, and DELL. My association with ClearOne as Channel partner brought me competencies in Audio conferencing technologies while the same with FVC Inc. gave me strengths in software based Videoconferencing.

SIA: You claim to be both OEM, and software/hardware solution provider- why did you have to take this combination?

Amit: Since we are into a channel sales model, our resellers expect us to give end-to-end solution and support, so it is important for us to give that comfort level to our partners. When we launch a new product or technology they accept it quickly.

SIA: You have a slew of solutions. What is your flagship product, and /or solution? What USP of the same?

Amit: Our core product is software based multi-location HD video conferencing and Telepresence (1080p) solution which consumes very low bandwidth and can give exceptional video quality even in home broadband connections and data cards. Having said that, PeopleLink is not just a VC solution company; it has additional set of about 50+ features that cater to the needs of every single vertical in an organization like sharing whiteboard, applications, documents, evaluation, H.323 Gateway, SIP gateway,VOIP Gateway, PSTN Gateway, 16 Display Immersive TelePresence feature, Conference Grouping, Broadcasting, etc.

SIA: In a market dominated by MNC brand imposition, how did you establish your cause?

Amit: PeopleLink today is the one of the most reputed and trusted VC brands with large install base and MCU market. Two important qualities enabled us to this position. One- our product offering is a cut-above both in terms of performance and features. Two- our unique 3-tier business model of inside sales, channel sales, and field sales; they together helped us maximize our reach.

SIA: What is your most prestigious and challenging install / business deal till date? What made it so special?

Amit: We have many, including all the major newspapers in the country. But the most challenging one was with MT Educare, a leading education brand in Maharashtra. Implementing the project was so tough that what we did there was almost equivalent to the support we gave all the customers in the last three years! While the initiative MT Educare took up itself was very ambitious, the unique feature of the program was taking live video conference class to home-based high school student with full interaction. It was challenging in that the student logs in from his/her home broadband; apart from live AV of the trainer, (s)he needs to see high quality animated PPTs that are very bandwidth consuming. Apart from customizing many features like attendance measuring and evaluation system, we had to create a new licensing model towards making the system financially viable. We devised a system that makes the student access to the AV
training only through paid-login.

That it was not a controlled environment the system did have its own pitfalls as the students were observed to be discretely downloading movies and other entertainment material during the live sessions, badly affecting the quality of the video due to high pressure on low bandwidth. We had to plugin these loopholes. We worked closely with MT Educare to identify potential spots of such abuse and create a preventive mechanism. It was an enduring engagement but a hugely fulfilling one. Now that this system has largely been streamlined, MT has launched live VC classes for its other verticals of higher learning like CA where they are doing interactive videoconferencing in HD. MT is also planning to roll out the pattern for all its verticals, including home-based learning.

SIA: How did you hit upon the idea of online (via VC/TP) business model for your sales? How would you explain its success rate?

Amit: It’s nothing new for me, as I acquired the expertise through my stint with MNCs. However, doing the same in India is a different ball game since the model is not so popular with the market when compared to that in the technologically advanced West. We have persevered a lot to attain the current positioning where as much as 60 percent of our revenues are driven by inside sales and the rest through partners.

SIA: What R&D did you do before initiating such a model? What were the findings?

Amit: We did small pilot projects to see its effectiveness. We then created a training module for our Inside Sales team in terms of how to convince a corporate customer into placing the order without meeting us in person. This was essential before we actually went ahead with the business process. Once we were convinced with our strengths, we pursued the model and it worked. It’s been working since then.

SIA: How is PeopleLink leveraging the same to its benefit?

Amit: Primarily, the cost of customer acquisition has become far less giving us substantial cost savings; simultaneously the time spent on ground coverage for reaching out customers has also been minimal- these two factors alone have enabled us to dedicate more of the two important resources towards furthering our R&D, thereby seeking more opportunities.

SIA: How would you compare Indian AVSI industry with the global industry? What strengths and/or weaknesses do you see?

Amit: Indian AVSI industry has just started growing while it is matured in the West, and to some extent in the Far East too. Companies’ spending on AV in India has largely been confined to IT sector till recently, but now it is permeating to non-IT sectors too. Boardroom technologies are being increasingly taken by Indian corporate.

SIA: Where do you think you are positioned right now? How and where exactly you intend to position yourself in the next five years?

Amit: We are right now positioned as a videoconferencing brand in India. Our focus for the next five years is to position as a strong global brand, with presence in as many international markets as possible. This apart, we are also focusing on our next gen product InstaVC which is a clientless architecture. We intend to launch it as a SAAS model.


Free Demo Information - PeopleLink Video Conferencing

How to Install PeopleLink Video Conferencing Software & Have A Free Demo.

PeopleLink provides the High Definition Video Conferencing Software that redefines your video communications experience. It helps you connect to anyone-anywhere, be it from your Boardroom, Office Laptop, Desktops, Training / Lecture halls, Hotels, Home and even form Airports. It’s most advanced and future ready technology offers amazing flexibility and best value for money, allowing you to connect any location over the internet, unlike other video conferencing competitor ‘s products which allow you to connect only fixed installed locations.

For Fee Video Conference Demo you need a “Conference ID” and “Password”. You can get this from PeopLelink‘s support team. If you would like to request for a Demo, contact the below details:

Send an Email to for requesting a free demo,make sure to mention your mobile number, email ID and Company name. Call 040-44751127 to 28 for Education and Training needs, and 040-44751129 for Enterprise Business VC needs.

What exactly you need ready before having a demo?

For a basic Demo, you need the following equipment ready with yourself.
  1. Internet Connection: Broadband connection (256kbps or more) or MPLS network or VPN or LAN
  2. IE Browser: If you don’t have IE browser installed, install it first. Here is a link to download IE browser for Windows Install Latest IE Browser. Peoplelink video conferencing supports only Window based IE( Internet Explorer) browser.
  3. Audio Equipment: Speaker/Mic (Inbuilt laptop/desktop mic will also do, for a basic demo) OR Audio conferencing phones
  4. Video Equipment: WebCam OR PTZ Camera (If you don’t have a webcam or camera, you can still join the video conference, however, your video will not be displayed). Get more information about WebCam OR PTZ Camera
  5. Display: Laptop/Desktop screen OR LCD OR Plasma OR Video Wall screen

Steps to download Peoplelink Video Conferencing Software:

  1. Visit . Open the link in IE (Internet Explorer) should be Window based, Peoplelink Video Conferencing Software supports only Window based Internet Explorer. It won’t support other modern browsers and operating systems.
  2. Download the software by just clicking the “Software Download” link adjacent to the Login link, at the right top corner of the page. See the image below.
  3. Once you click the Software Download link, another page gets open in new window, with the heading “Software Download”. Click the very first Download link with the sub-heading “Conference Software Client”. See the image below.
  4. Once you click the Download button, a window gets popup asking to “Save” the file. Click the Save button. See the image.
  5. It will ask you where to download and save the software .exe file, you can make a choice of your own. I have showed, saving it on Desktop. See the image.
  6. Wait for the download process. See the image.
  7. Find the .exe file with name “Conf_Setup”, on the preferred location you have chosen on your PC, I find it on the desktop. See the image.
  8. Right Click on the icon and select “Open”. A “User account control” window will gets popup, Click the button “Yes” giving permission to install the software in your PC.
  9. Conference window popups, now click the Next button, and continuously click the Next buttons, until the Finish button appears. See the images
  10. The last small window with name “Install” gets popup, just click the Cancel button, no need to restart the system, your installed software can run smoothly without restarting the system. See the image.

Now here you successfully installed Peoplelink Video Conferencing Software. Up to this point you do not need any Conference ID and password to download the software.
To have a free video conference demo, you need Conference ID and Password; you can have it from PeopleLink’s support team. Just give a call or send email to book your free demo. Below are the details:
Phone No: +91-040-44751127 to 28
Moblie No: +91-9949899903

Steps to have a free Peoplelink Video Conferencing Demo:

If you’re ready with the Conference ID and password, you can start the video conferencing demo by following the simple steps I put down below.
  1. Open the link in the browser Internet Explorer (Works only in IE). When the site opens, just fill in the detail, your "Conference ID" and then Click the button Enter Conference. See the image.
  2. It will take you to next page; fill in the details a) Your Name or Nickname, b) password, and click the button Enter Conference. See the image.
  3. Once you click the button “Enter Conference” It will take you to the conference room. See the image and start doing conferencing.

You’ve get connected to PeopleLink’s video conferencing room now, just start doing conferencing with our experienced professional support team, who will guide you in the best and easy way to make the conference a remarkable one.



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