PeopleLink Video Conferencing Advantages

Get Maximum Advantages With PeopleLink Video Conference

Collaborative Communication in India is deep rooting in all sectors of businesses, like in government sector, educational Sector, big enterprises, research centers and in corporate sectors. These sector businesses are availing this technology to share data, files and documents with its branch offices, vendors, clients and customers.

Growth towards the future is not possible, unless we use the latest and updated technologies. The western business world has been using this technology form a decade back, and most of the businesses in India have just started this technology couple of years back. They have been using the services from the western market form providers like Polycom, LifeSize, Webex, Cisco Nefsis and others. There were no competitor in the Indian market to compete with their products and solutions. The charge huge amount for their solutions, and there were no choice for Indian business owners to choose other service providers.

Now, as India is growing as a global market some of the companies like PeopleLink Corporate solutions comes with a great video conferencing software & solutions, which can compete with these western providers and offers HD quality video conferencing solutions and Telepresence services at affordable cost for Indian businesses. There product is build on Indian conditions and the perfect solutions for businesses who are looking for video conference setups.

Few are the advantages a business can get if they use PeopleLink video conferencing setup.

  1. Consumes 1/3rd bandwidth, also works on broadband and wireless data cards.
  2. Provides training and guest lecturers to multiple locations at same time.
  3. Record sessions for latest use.
  4. Manage branch offices effectively.
  5. Do sales reviews and business meetings even while traveling.
  6. Conduct interviews and campus placements.
  7. Easy on budget, SAVE up to 70% cost.

Before selecting a video conferencing service provider it is always better to collect your requirements, queries and questions and have a FREE DEMO. Conduct a free demo, ask and clarify all your queries, questions and doubts, because you’re investing amount and you must get the maximum return on investment. Read their client testimonials and have a glance on what type of clients are using their services.

Here is a link where you can have a Free Demo, it won’t cost a single rupee for you:

Advantages of Peoplelink video conferencing




Video conferencing is the best medium for collaborative communications these days. Do you know why big business houses, large corporate and enterprises, big organizations, education and government sectors and medium to small business owners are using this technology? The best answer is that they are saving time and money and making fast decisions for productive results. Is this technology helpful for people who work from home? Indeed it is helpful, and few are the top 5 points described below.

I - Health Issues: Video Conference is very useful tool that helps business owners, MDs, CEOs, Top Management people, who due to age and health issues unable to travel to go to office regularly. They can connect to the management and other departments and share emails and documents. They can take care of their health and can engage in business work to guide, share and get latest information on progress.

II - Bandwidth Issues: Technology has made the conferencing so easy that you need not to setup the broadband LAN connection at your home; you can make use of data cards to get internet connection. The new video conferencing software technology helps to communicate with different locations even at low bandwidth like (256Kbps). You just need a data card to get connected. You can virtually meet anyone in the world over the internet and not just installed locations.

III - Save Travel Time: Due to the heavy traffic issues during business hours, it is very hard to reach the locations in the right time. Some time due to traffic jams it takes hours to reach the locations. Using video conference can help you to get connect your preferred locations at a time form home, and you can guide or order them the business plans. It will help in fast productive results. The different location members can record the sessions and can make use them for future reference too.

IV - Connect To Different Locations: Through this technology, different business locations can get connected under one umbrella of interactive business sessions. Here the participating department of these locations can share, use, download and record the files and make use them for business productions. They can clarify their doubts, can get trained by professional, see demos and can do many more business activities.

V - Document Sharing: This mode HD video conferencing software is inbuilt with some superb technologies, which help you to download and share, video files, audio files in different formats, PDF files, PPT files and many more. You can share these files with the participants and make them use in the business for fast results. You can even share the files from your gmail and other email accounts too. Share your documents in the very secured and fast ways by utilizing this modern technology connecting through your laptops, desktops, Monitor screens, mobile phones, tablets and more.

Now you may get a doubt that “what is the best way to find a good video conferencing software service provider and how to choose the best”. Indeed it will arise if you in need of the solutions. You can search them on search engines like Google and Yahoo. Before choosing one you better go with a free demo and write the points you want in your conference. You better ask each and every doubt about the services and cost. Make a list of top 5 service provider and then analyze the best among them that suits your budget and requirement. It is you who can choose the best provider for your business communications.


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